[w3c-wai-eo] <none>

 From Section 5 of PWD-useweb: "...medical details can be less relevant to 
understanding how people with disabilities use the Web than the 
perspectives of people with disabilities themselves, as well as that of 
organizations that focus on accessibility strategies..."

Cries out for links but since they almost *must* be to outside sources, I 
would like to include in Friday's agenda some recommendations of 
organizations *of* PWDs and not just "agency type" sites. We could also 
write it to include links to W3C member corporations/agencies/institutes 
who have sites devoted to these issues. The "policy" and "business case" 
areas must necessarily furnish positive reinforcements for corporate 
involvement in these matters and several (SUN, IBM, MicroSoft spring to 
mind) have spaces devoted to guideline-like accessibility 
discussions/policies which relates to how PWDs will use the Web as these 
places employ more of them and provide usable facilities.


Received on Wednesday, 13 December 2000 21:35:12 UTC