- From: Harvey Bingham <hbingham@acm.org>
- Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 01:03:56 -0500
- To: w3c-wai-eo@w3.org
- Cc: "Debbie Fletter" <DFletter@aol.com>
- Message-Id: <>
Debbie Fletter hosted the WAI-User Agent face-to-face at AOL 2000-11-16 through -17. Debbie Fletter Director: Accessibility Integrity Assurance 22070 Broderick Drive Dulles, VA 020166 Phone 703-265-3469 Fax 703-265-2009 email DFletter@aol.com www.aol.com Debbie is interested in how she can increase accessibility awareness within AOL. She is interested in the Education and Outreach working group. She has a particular interest in training work in EO. I gave her a brief walk-through. She seems interested in participating. I pointed her to the registration information: "For information about joining the EOWG, please read the Charter, http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/charter.htm and then fill out and send the information from section 15 of the charter to Judy Brewer <jbrewer@w3.org> " For the Thursday face to face, Debbie brought in Bijal Shah, a developer from Netscape, and Scott Totman, a developer from AOL for part of the working sessions. This UA session was probably too specialized for someone getting first exposure to WAI work. Debbie grasped what we were doing and shared some insights. I believe that Debbie will be an effective channel into AOL to get further participation, and be able to draw in others. I noted to her that AOL has many partners, and work that AOL does to set accessibility requirements may extend to have a significant influence on those partners as well. Regards/Harvey Bingham W3C Web Accessibility Initiative -- Invited Expert
Received on Monday, 20 November 2000 01:08:56 UTC