Demographics from Denmark

In this publication there is probably the newest estimates about disabled
people in Denmark:
Rapport fra Arbejdsgruppen om tilgængelighed og grafiske brugergrænseflader
12. februar 1998 Center for Tilgængelighed

The figures in here are based on an EU estimate:
"John Gill: Telecommunications: The Missing Links for People with
Disabilities, COST 219, The European Commission, Directorate-General XIII,
Telecommunications, Information Market and Exploration of Research, 1996"
Handicap (disability)  		Europe, est.    Pct.    Danmark, est.
Motorisk handicappede (motor disability)
.. Kan ikke anvende fingre (can't use fingers) 1mio. 0,26%   13.421
.. Kan ikke anvende en arm ( arm)  1mio.   0,26%   13.421
.. Begrænset muskelkraft (limitation .. muscle) 22mio.  5,79%   295.263
.. Begrænset koordinationsevne  11mio.  2,98%   147.632
    (Difficulties with coordination)
Mobilitetshæmmede (mobility disabilities)
.. Kørestolsbrugere  (uses wheelchairs) 3mio      0,79%   40.263
.. Kan ikke gå uden hjælp (need help to walk)   45mio.  11,84%  603.947

Tale, sprog og kognitive handicap (speach, language, and cognitive
.. Talehæmmede (can't talk)     2mio.   0,53%   26.842
.. Sproghæmmede (without language)      5mio.   1,32%   67.105
.. Ordblinde (dyslectic)        25mio.  6,58%   335.526
.. Udviklingshæmmede (learning disabled)       30mio.  7,89%   402.632

Hørehæmmede (Hearing disabilities)
.. Døve (deaf)  1mio.   0,26%   13.421
.. Nedsat hørelse (hard of hearing)     80mio.  21,05%  1.073.684

Synshandicappede (visual disabilities)
.. Blinde (Blind)       1mio.   0,26%   13.421
.. Nedsat syn (low vision/ partially sighted)   11mio.  2,89%   147.632
Population      Europe: 380mio.         Denmark: 5,1mio.
Helle Bjarnø
Visual Impairment  Knowledge Centre

Received on Thursday, 2 November 2000 08:21:27 UTC