hyperlinks in test site

I took an action item to demonstrate the use of links to other documents in 
the "How PWDs Use the Web" site at 
http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/Drafts/PWD-Use-Web/20001020.html and to that end 
I've made a brief excerpt (one "scenario") from that document and enabled 
links for "tables" and "abbreviations and acronyms" - the first occurrence 
of each links to an appropriate section of WCAG 1.0 and the second of each 
to the appropriate slide of the curriculum.

Our decision is whether to provide extensive linking to relevant materials 
outside the document proper and if so which ones? My demo is at 
http://dicomp.pair.com/item.htm and I look forward to any reactions, 
keeping in mind that if the notion is embraced, we will be forcing an old 
man into many hours of tedious cutting and pasting <g>.


Received on Tuesday, 24 October 2000 12:58:12 UTC