ACTION ITEM Summary (from Sep. 10 EO meeting)

For your convenience, I have extracted the action items (that I noticed)
from the September 10, 1999 meeting notes:

1. Agenda review:
* Judy Brewer to ask Ian about resources to do a revised note on XHTML
accessibility. Marja indicated she might also have some time to work on this.

2. Updates and outreach:
* Julia Howell will send a message to EO with the URL of the UK gov't
policy white paper.
* Judy Brewer will send a note about her upcoming presentations to the list
for inclusion in the Events Calendar.
* Jim Allan will add mention of the "Accessibility Rally" to the Events

3. Review updated core reference note
* Chuck Letourneau will send two (strictly editorial) comments to the EO list.
* Jim Allan will work on the wording of deaf-blind section and the review
terminology for visual impairment (e.g. field loss).
* Judy Brewer to modify first bullet under color blindness. It should read,
"color used for structure or emphasis".
* Alan Cantor and Judy Brewer to write/rewrite the Visual section to their
own proposed format and post to the EO list.  EO members will compare,
discuss and indicate which they like best.
* Karl Hebenstreit to post the resource on color matching to the WCAG WG
* Judy Brewer to (possibly) cobble up a resource page with Jim, Alan and
Marja (and anyone else) to review it and comment.
* Judy Brewer to change the title of the note to: "How people with
disabilities use the Web", and leave off the stuff after the colon.
* Alan Cantor to provide a few lines describing "alternate access techniques".
* William Loughborough to make suggestions for a revised "Abstract".


Starling Access Services
 "Access A World Of Possibility"
    Phone: 613-820-2272  FAX: 613-820-6983

Received on Friday, 10 September 1999 10:22:15 UTC