Oct 5, Atlanta, Web Site Evolution workshop

I wanted to bring this to your attention and find out if you are of anyone
affiliated with WAI participating in this.  It would be great to have
accessibility concerns addressed at this conference.


---------------------- Forwarded by Karl F. Hebenstreit Jr./MKC/CO/GSA/GOV
on 08/25/99 09:49 AM ---------------------------

From: "Jim Isaak" <j.isaak@computer.org> AT internet on 08/23/99 03:56 PM

To:   IBPwgIX@listserv.computer.org AT INTERNET@ccMTA-GEMS-MTA-01
cc:   "a IBP WPE" <IBPwgIX@computer.org> AT INTERNET@ccMTA-GEMS-MTA-01
      (bcc: Karl F. Hebenstreit Jr./MKC/CO/GSA/GOV)

Subject:  Oct 5, Atlanta, Web Site Evolution workshop

This may be of interest to Intenet Best Practice
Standards folks  ... I would encourage someone
familier with the Web Page Engineering work to
consider submitting a paper on this.


Dear Colleague,

I'd like to invite you to participate in the 1st International Workshop on
Web Site Evolution (WSE'99). The workshop will be held on Tuesday, October
5, 1999 in Atlanta, GA. It is being co-located with the 6th Working
Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE'99), which runs from Wednesday to
Friday of the same week.
The goal of this one-day workshop is to bring together members of the
software engineering, reverse engineering for program understanding, and
information technology communities to focus on techniques for Web site
evolution. You were selected to participate in WSE'99 because of your
involvement with the WCRE'99 Program Committee.
WSE'99 will include invited talks, short paper presentations, and
discussion sessions. We are asking that participants prepare a short
position paper, of approximately 1000-2000 words (2-4 pages in 10 point
type).  Papers will be bound and copies distributed to participants at the
workshop. Papers can be submitted an email attachment to
stilley@cs.ucr.edu, and would be due by Friday, September 10, 1999.
As the inaugural meeting of this nascent community, WSE'99 promises to be a
very interesting event. To cover the small expenses of room rental, food,
etc., the cost to attend WSE'99 is a mere $50 for members of the IEEE and
$75 for non-members. (Add $25 to these amounts if you are not attending
WCRE'99 as well.) More information about WSE'99 can be found online at
www.cs.ucr.edu/~stilley. You can signup for WSE'99 using the WCRE'99
registration form.
Please RSVP to stilley@cs.ucr.edu by August 27th to confirm your
participation in WSE'99. I sincerely hope you can join us!
Scott Tilley
General Chair, WSE'99
University of California, Riverside

Cornelia Boldyreff, Univ. of Durham, UK
Elliot Chikofsky, META Group, USA
Hausi M³ller, Univ. of Victoria, Canada
Jock Rader, Raytheon Systems Co., USA
Lisa Schmeiser, schmeiser.com, USA
Chris Verhoef, Univ. of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Received on Wednesday, 25 August 1999 14:55:20 UTC