Fw: Questions on Quick Tips revisions

here are my comments

 2. Make "alt" in first item boldface.
Rob>alt should be in caps

4. Make "css" uppercase on first item on back of card.
Rob>isnt it already?

6. At "Image maps. Use client-side MAP and text for hotspots." Check that
this is consistent with final WCAG.
Rob>add "and alternate text links"

7. At "Multimedia,"
Rob> recommend saying, "Multimedia. Provide captioning or text transcripts
of audio.  Descriptions of video may be provided."

The text would be for deaf users and teh description of the video would be
for blind users.  Have some concerns that we may overwhelm people here and
may want to drop the video part.   Not sure how to speak to this without
offending people.  Its a big step to get captioning now we are asking for
description of the video...will we scare people away.  text is easy but how
do you describe the event? what guidance is there?  I would not know how to
describe an event.  Would a description of the video event suffice on the

 How about?
"Multimedia. Provide captioning or text transcripts of audio for hearing
impared.  Descriptions of video may also be provided for seeing impaired."

I am worried that we may be overloading people and this may impact
implementation?  Could we make audio text or captioing P1 and video
description P3. Not sure how this is going to come across and my apologies
if I have offended anyone.

 8. At "Tables," comments
rob>  how does this impact "colgroup" which is allowed?  say i have
linearizesd data but am the first column is broken out into sections and
each section has span the row.  so for each section the row.  how about
merged cells like this?

<table border="0" width="100%" summary="List of Captains on the U.S.S. Coral
    <th width="36%">Group </th>
    <th width="36%">CAPTAIN'S NAME</th>
    <td width="36%" rowspan="2"> Group 1</td>
    <td width="36%"> AARON P. STORRS III</td>
    <td width="36%"> AURELIUS B. VOSSELLER</td>
    <td width="36%" rowspan="3"> Grou[ 2</td>
    <td width="36%"> ROBERT GOLDTHWAITE</td>
    <td width="36%"> FREDERICK M. TRAPNELL</td>
    <td width="36%"> JAMES SARGENT RUSSELL</td>

10. Change
rob>go for it

Received on Saturday, 10 July 1999 07:22:28 UTC