
A company called StarBase <> has product called
SiteSweeper that is provides a quality assurance check on web sites.  During
Sunday's meetings this was the product that i mentioned that checked for ALT
tags, Meta tags, Height and Width on Images and also publishes all the
graphics in one html file.  Specifically they check for:
Broken Links
Slow Pages (As you specified the timeout)
Missing ALT Attribute
Missing Width or Height
Distorted Images  (Do not entirely understand this one)
Problem Titles.  All this is in a report and much more.
Concurrent users.

I have a beta copy and ran this on my site and was impressed.  It provides
much information that Webtrends or other site management tools (that i have
seen) do not.  Looking for opinions here.

I will ask when this will be made available on a trail basis on the web

Also, Sunday, someone mentioned that the W3C was interested in developing a
product that would find the ALT Tags and replace them.  Are we looking for
more?  Are we developing this from scratch?


Received on Wednesday, 24 March 1999 22:46:09 UTC