Out of context, but... / Ok about controversy

Dear eo members,

I have not been very active since March: I had an accident and a long rehabilitation.  It was hard to me to keep up with EO activities.


I am sending this email following an article that i read at http://www.reasonmag.com:80/9907/fe.ap.is.html.

At first I had a somewhat aggressive attitude towards this article which is a bit critical opinion about accessinility on the web.

Then I admit that I found quite enriching to see both sides of the coin and that it can be even helpful to acknowledge opposite views in order to be more effective in advocating web accessibility.

Moreover, I as I once said,  from time to time I write articles about assistive technology and web accessibility.  I find that the les biased,  the more objective we look, the more efficient we are at convincing other people.

I can even admit, not without some imcomfort, that I sometimes struggle with ethical issues related to web accessibility.  Although, since I have cerebral palsy, I am very pleased when sites are accessible.  

Although I can read, using voice browsers are much easier to me.

I know this email is very paradoxical, but I trust some of you to see some logic in what I write and point controversial articles that I could use in  my work.

I would like to add, if I am not the only person who struggles with that kind of doubt, that we should not be ashamed of it, acknowledge it and then, move forward.

That is what I intend to do...

Thank you


Received on Friday, 25 June 1999 17:21:41 UTC