Re: The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Curriculum


Thank you for your kind (and very useful) comments on the "curriculum".  

I believe that most of the documents that should be associated with this
curriculum including definitions, backgrounders, business cases,  the
"who-fors", the "why-fors", and so on, are in some stage of production
somewhere in the WAI.  I think that the short term solution will be to
include a well-designed link page to the curriculum giving "recommended

In the longer term, perhaps we will add another module (in a format similar
the existing "slides") that will cover such material.

I think these are good points to be raised at an upcoming EO working group

Chuck Letourneau

At 14/06/99 11:29 AM , Tom McCain wrote:
>The Examples section is extremely helpful!
>In general, I find this a good reference as a trainer, as someone who is
>carrying the message of web accessible design. 
>It is not yet a curriculum I would use directly with either beginner web
>designers or experienced graphic designers. Both groups, in my experience,
>need filtering lessons about "why?" and "how do I justify the extra time
>it takes?". In addition, both need help shifting their thinking to include
>accessible design from the beginning.
>Those are issues I can help them with, though. Thanks for the many hours
>you have put into this work.
>tom mcCain, Butler University, Indianapolis USA
>Work phone: 317 940-8138
>Email address:
>Web addresses:

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 "Access A World Of Possibility"
    Phone: 613-820-2272  FAX: 613-820-6983

Received on Monday, 14 June 1999 11:53:53 UTC