Last Thursday Dave Poehlman and I presented PDF and Universal Accessibility to about 30 people from the Government Printing Office. As they are one of the largest users of PDF and have the federal librarians, they were very much appreciative. Their Director was there and we can now say some more people "get universal accessibility on the web"!!!! Score one for the WAI!
They are going to coordinate another presentation with a larger librarian association. Dont know much about it yet, but it sounds good for us!!!!
They also said they are widely distributing our proceedings from the previous conference. Found at
I will post the presentation after i modify it, but first i owe Jutta the presentation from Toronto. Sorry, been very busy.
In one to two weeks, will be posting a SMIL file of the White House unveiling of the new dollar coin. We are getting ready to start testing with Cross your fingers! Just think, all this has happened because of WWW8 where WGBH presented.