WAI EO Minutes, Nov 6

WAI EO Call, Friday Nov 6 8:30-10am EST


judy (chair)
danield (scribe)
william l, 
harvey b, 
kitch b, 
alan c, 
marja v,
len kasday 
chuck letourneau


- al
 did workshop for human resource professional
 most people claimed their page was accessible
 could we assess accessibility of recruitment site
 judy: we have a long list of deliverable
       for new things, start a wish list

- kitch
  acm sigchi in pittsburgh (april 99)
  still time to submit things
  willing to organize something
  judy: go for it!
  marja might still be in US to help

- william
  upcoming may meeting (media something)
  web site access include
  will send to kitch

- judy: 
  presented at CAPED - 500 people
  also talk about distance learning


- judy
  did some tweaking on the last version
  planning some pilot printing for AC meeting
  sent it to GL, monday dead-line
  daniel: some issues coming from GL
  william, jan: should we put braille on it?
  chuck: might make the ink unreadable
  judy: will work on the comments received over the week-end
Event calendar
See note at

- kitch
  setting up form for entering future events and
  coordinating people presence
  judy: concerned about publicity of conf importance
   need to be subtil
  daniel: trying to extent with Europe specific event
  [judy: note that there is no European participant on this call beside 

PA slides

- lots of new stuff
  daniel sent structural comments (need to go thru in details)
  judy: felt lost, gave feedback to chuck
  daniel: propose using color to differentiate guideline/technique/example
   ok as long as it's redundant
  judy: could improve style and nagivation
       also need to add some kind of W3C blurb  
       judy to send that piece to chuck
  alan to look at them thru lynx
  len to look at them as well

Policy area

- judy: want a publicly visible reference list and archived
         comments/opinions (even informal)
  - Of recent interest, for example:
     - http://www.lawlink.nsw.gov.au/lawlink.nsf/pages/aus_standards
     - http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-eo/1998OctDec/0061.html
     - http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-ig/1998OctDec/0124.html
     - http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-ig/1998OctDec/0120.html
     - http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-ig/1998OctDec/0117.html
     - http://www.rit.edu/~easi/law/weblaw1.htm

Open source pointers

  (from there you'll find a pointer to the Cathedral paper as well)

Next meeting is next friday Nov 13
who will be there:
  No: harvey, danield, kitch
  everybody else on the call Yes

Len (somehow after the end of the call)
Are we working on something for people that want to check
accessibility and do not know nothing about HTML ?


Received on Friday, 6 November 1998 10:00:43 UTC