RE: ATAG2 testing work

I was having a hard time navigating back and forth so I've put the tests into a single document attached (and written a few more tests). I have also included the testing tools the a tester should have available at the top.


(Mr) Jan Richards, M.Sc. | 416-977-6000 ext. 3957 | fax: 416-977-9844 
Inclusive Design Research Centre (IDRC) | 
Faculty of Design | OCAD University

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Richards, Jan []
> Sent: May-13-12 11:29 PM
> To:
> Subject: ATAG2 testing work
> Here's a start (sorry I didn't fill in the survey...I left my login info at the
> office)...
> A.3.4.1 Navigate By Structure: If editing-views expose the markup elements
> in the web content being edited, then the markup elements (e.g., source
> code, content renderings) are selectable and navigation mechanisms are
> provided to move the selection focus between elements. (Level AA)
> Implementing A.3.4.1
> Test0001:
> - if the tool is designed such that markup elements are never disclosed to the
> author, this SC is N/A
> - where markup elements are disclosed to the user (e.g. document outline
> view, source view, etc.), if it is not possible to select a disclosed element
> without selecting any of the content that surrounds it, then FAIL.
> - if the only way to move selection from one disclosed element to the other
> is by clearing the selection and manually selecting the start and end point of
> the new element in the source, then FAIL
> - otherwise PASS
> A.3.4.2 Navigate by Programmatic Relationships: If editing-views allow editing
> of programmatic relationships within web content, then mechanisms are
> provided that support navigation between the related content. (Level AAA)
> Note: Depending on the web content technology and the nature of the
> authoring tool, relationships may include, but are not limited to, element
> nesting, headings, labeling, programmatic definitions, and ID relationships.
> Test0001:
> - if the tool is designed such that programmatic relationships (variable
> setting, function specification, etc.) are never disclosed to the author, this SC
> is N/A
> - if a mechanism exists to search for and view any programmatic relationship
> (variable setting, function specification, etc.) then PASS
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Received on Monday, 14 May 2012 16:34:22 UTC