ATAG2 Proposal: Navigate and Edit by Structure

Hi all,

I think this is the last proposal required for tomorrow's call:

Since the main use-case is facilitating keyboard navigation, I think my new proposal (" A.3.1.3 Efficient Keyboard Access: The authoring tool user interface includes mechanisms to make keyboard access more efficient." - takes the pressure off making it Level A.

So I propose Level AA, with perhaps this wording:

A.3.4.1 Navigate By Structure: If editing-views expose the markup elements in the web content being edited, then the following are true: (Level AA)
(a) content representing markup elements are selectable (e.g., content renderings, source content, etc.)
(b) navigation mechanisms are provided to move the selection focus between elements

Ed. I have dropped editing, since this likely follows selection and may be too prescriptive.

And the here's my AAA from last time (this is the type of "warping" that IDEs already do).

A.3.4.2 Navigation of Programmatic Relationships: If editing-views allow editing of programmatic relationships within web content, then mechanisms are provided supporting navigation between the related content. (Level AAA)
Note: Depending on the web content technology and the nature of the authoring tool, relationships can include element nesting, headings, labelling, programmatic definitions, ID relationships, etc.


(Mr) Jan Richards, M.Sc. | 416-977-6000 ext. 3957 | fax: 416-977-9844
Inclusive Design Research Centre (IDRC) |
Faculty of Design | OCAD University

Received on Thursday, 11 November 2010 20:35:26 UTC