Re: AUWG Poll #2: 18 September 2007

Thanks a lot Greg.

If I get one more response I'll be able to process this poll, put out a 
new Editor's draft and send out Poll#3 tomorrow.


Greg Pisocky wrote:
> Appreciate all your work with this Jan. Here are my votes.
> Proposal 1:    B: Accept the proposal with the changes (then specify
> changes)
> Grammar: Change second sentence of first paragraph from: "They are
> similar to the "checkpoints" in ATAG 1.0. Each success criterion is
> written as a statement that will be either true or false when specific a
> Authoring Tool is tested against it." to "They are similar to the
> "checkpoints" in ATAG 1.0. Each success criterion is written as a
> statement that will be either true or false when a specific Authoring
> Tool is tested against it."
> Proposal 2: A: Accept the Proposal
> Proposal 3: C: Do not accept the proposal. I would like to see a
> requirement for claimants to cite the authority for the conventions
> being followed. "My application adheres to Windows UI conventions
> version xxx, or Mac OS X, or X Windows, etc. Also a change in phrasing:
>>From "Also, people are often familiar with accessibility conventions
> employed by other applications built for a platform will find the
> application easier to use" to "Also, people who are familiar with the
> accessibility conventions employed by a specific platform while find
> applications that adhere to those conventions easier to use."
> Proposal 4:    B: Accept the proposal with the changes (then specify
> changes). Add words to the effect: "Except for those Benchmark documents
> published under the authority of the W3C, WAI, or WAI-AUWG. Or published
> by those entities. Or perhaps this: "Neither W3C, WAI, nor WAI-AUWG take
> any responsibility for any aspect or result of any ATAG 2.0 conformance
> claim or Web Content Accessibility Benchmark document that has not been
> published under the authority of the W3C, WAI, or WAI-AUWG." I suspect
> the W3C will be publishing conformance claims and benchmarks for W3C
> technologies and they should be held responsible for those just as
> entities responsible for non-W3C technologies will be liable for any
> claims made in the documents they publish.
> Proposal 5: A: Accept the proposal
> Proposal 6: B: Accept the proposal with changes. Change "1. manual
> checking: where the tests are carried out by authors. This includes the
> case where the authors are aided by instructions or guidance provided by
> the authoring tool, but where authors carry out the actual test
> procedure;" to "1. manual checking: where the tests are carried out by
> authors. This includes the case where the authors are aided by
> instructions or guidance provided by the authoring tool, but where
> authors must intervene to carry out the actual test procedure; 
> Proposal 7: A: Accept the proposal
> Proposal 8: B: Accept the proposal with changes. Add "dynamically
> generated content" to the list of examples. For applications where
> scripting or code rather than a template creates the output that must be
> accessible.
> Greg Pisocky | Adobe Systems | 703-883-2810 p | 703-678-3541 m
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Jan Richards
>> Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2007 4:01 PM
>> To:
>> Cc: 'WAI-AUWG List'
>> Subject: Re: AUWG Poll #2: 18 September 2007
>> Just a reminder that I'm awaiting two more responses before 
>> processing AUWG Poll #2.
>> Cheers,
>> Jan

Received on Thursday, 20 September 2007 20:52:42 UTC