Re: Definition: Web Content TECHNOLOGY

Hi Phill,

Yes, that's exactly what I was wrestling with. In the end, the idea of 
"instructions to a user agent" seemed to hold up no matter what I threw 
at it, from raster and sound data to plain text to markup to wiki 
formatting to all the various forms of programming code (all of which 
are being increasingly mixed and shaken).


Phill Jenkins wrote:
> Interesting definition.  Seems to avoid the problems with trying to 
> separate content from software and just puts them all together into 
> "content technology".
> I guess this is more forward thinking since it is hard today to separate 
> plain content (structured text) from interactive web technologies that 
> behave as old software (non-browser based) technologies.
> Regards,
> Phill Jenkins
> IBM Research - Human Ability & Accessibility Center

Received on Tuesday, 7 August 2007 20:17:30 UTC