ATAG 2.0 Inter- and intra-group keyboard navigation


This is the text Barry has put together for meeting his Action Item from 
the last call:


Suggested AAA criteria for A.3.1

A.3.1.x Intergroup Navigation (user interface "chrome", content
display): Authors must have the ability to, via at least the keyboard,
quickly navigate between logical groups (e.g, toolbars, dialogs,
labelled groups) of focusable controls (skipping any remaining controls
in a group) in a forward and backward (to tab order) manner.

A.3.1.x Group Navigation (user interface "chrome", content display):
Authors must have the ability to, via at least the keyboard, navigate
between focusable group members (at least first member, last member,
next member, previous member).

Suggest A.4.1.x level A SC:  All logical groups (e.g, toolbars, dialogs,
labelled groups) of focusable controls must provide a programmatically
accessible (at least when any member of the group has focus) name (or
description) for the group that describes the class of controls (ex,
"clipboard access") that occur within it. If nested groups exists, each
nested group needs its own name.

I think menus should be explicitly excluded from the above groupings.


And here is my possible rewording:

A.3.1.x Intergroup Navigation (user interface "chrome", content 
display): If logical groups of focusable controls (e.g, toolbars, 
dialogs, labelled groups) are present, authors must be able to use one 
keyboard command to navigate to the first focusable control in the next 
and previous groups.

A.3.1.y Group Navigation (user interface "chrome", content display): If 
logical groups of focusable controls are present, authors must be able 
to use one keyboard command to navigate to first, last, next and 
previous focusable controls in the current group.

A.4.1.x level A SC: Logical groups (including nested groups) of 
focusable controls (e.g, toolbars, dialogs, labelled groups) must 
provide a programmatically accessible name (or description) for the group.



Received on Monday, 23 July 2007 18:27:43 UTC