Preview of ATAG 2.0 editor's draft

Hi everyone,

I was supposed to publish an updated editor's draft of ATAG 2.0 
yesterday so that we could vote on whether to send it to last call on 
our Monday meeting. However, I was quite sick for the latter part of 
last week and over the weekend and didn't get it out. The only part I 
have not quite finished updating is the checklist, so I have attached 
the other items to this message.

I intend to publish the draft tomorrow without wording changes so you 
are safe to begin reviewing this doc.


PS: please note:

1. a few non-editorial changes to the draft - marked in red - including 
the added def'n of "platform" and the description text for the ui image 
in the glossary.

2. the atag 1.0 comparison document.

Received on Tuesday, 20 June 2006 19:17:11 UTC