ATAG 2.0 Web based authoring tool user interface stuff

I have two more action items from the last call related to Web based 
authoring tool user interface stuff:

1. Action item: develop definition for web based interface components.

2. Action item: JR to harmonize Browser Interface, UI references, web 
based with one all encompassing term.


How about this:

1. We use "Web-based authoring tool user interface functionality"

(a) Addition to the GLOSSARY:
Web-based authoring tool user interface functionality:

That part of an authoring tool user interface that is implemented using 
a *content type* and rendered on a *user agent*. Some authoring tools 
are fully Web-Based (e.g. on-line CMS tools) others components that are 
Web-Based (e.g. a stand-alone markup editor with on-line help pages).

(b) A.1.1. Ensure that Web-based functionality conforms to *WCAG*

Rationale: Authors must be able to have access to *Web-based authoring 
tool user interface functionality* just as they do to other Web content.

SC1: All *Web-based authoring tool user interface functionality* must 
conform to WCAG.

(c) Notes point back to A.0.1. throughout Part A:

"For Web-Based Interface Components:"

"For *Web-based authoring tool user interface functionality*:


Received on Wednesday, 10 May 2006 19:26:14 UTC