- From: Jan Richards <jan.richards@utoronto.ca>
- Date: Thu, 06 Apr 2006 11:15:08 -0400
- To: w3c-wai-au@w3.org
Hi everyone, On Monday's call I took an action to refine my proposal in: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-au/2006JanMar/0047.html Here it is: ---------- [action 1] Move checkpoint B.2.7 to Section B.3 (I think it fits under "integration") and reword as follows: "B.3.X: Document features of the tool that support the production of accessible content." (the phrasing "features of the tool that support the production of accessible content" refers to the wording of "B.2: Support the production of accessible content") [action 2] Change the B.3.X success criterion to specifically reference the features related to section B.2 (via a defined term "Accessible content support feature"): In Glossary: Accessible content support feature: All features of the tool that play a role in satisfying the success criteria for checkpoints B.2.1, B.2.2, B.2.3, B.2.5, B.2.6 and B.2.9 (ed. will be B.2.7 if actions 1 and 3 are adopted). SC 1. All *accessible content support features* must be documented in the help system. [action 3] Move B.2.8 to Section B.3 (I think it fits under "promoting") and reword as follows: "B.3.Y: Ensure that any authoring practices demonstrated in *repair instructions* and *documentation* are accessible" [action 4] Reword B.3.2 and its success criteria to follow the new pattern [in actions 1 and 2]: "B.3.2: Ensure that features of the tool that support the production of accessible content are always clearly available to the author." [ed. SC1 moved to B.3.4] "SC1: All *accessible content support features* must match or exceed the prominence of any corresponding features related to other classes of Web content problems (e.g. markup validity, program code syntax, spelling and grammar)." [action 5] Reword B.3.4 and it's success criteria to follow the new pattern [in actions 1 and 2] and to make match the discussion on the 3 April call (http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-au/2006AprJun/0001.html).: "B.3.4: Ensure that features of the tool that support the production of accessible content are configurable." SC1: All *accessible content support features* must be turned on by default. SC2: If the author does turn off an *accessible content support feature*, then the authoring tool must inform the author that this may increase the risk of content accessibility problems. SC3: If the author does turn off an *accessible content support feature*, then the author must always have the option to turn the feature back on again. (ed. note I didn't put in an SC that the features had to have an off switch - but I didn't rule it out either) [action 6] Renumber B.3: Move B.3.3 up so that B.3.2 and B.3.4 can be together. ------------ The resulting checkpoint list for sections B.2 and B.3 would be: B.2: Support the author in the production of accessible content B.2.1: Prompt and assist the author to create content that conforms to WCAG. [RP B.2.2: Check for and inform the author of accessibility problems. [RP] B.2.3: Assist authors in repairing accessibility problems. [RP] B.2.4: Make it easy for authors to ensure that alternative equivalents for non-text objects are accurate and fit the context.[P1] (ed. this is proposed new wording from: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-au/2006JanMar/0040.html) B.2.5: Provide functionality for managing, editing, and reusing alternative equivalents. [P3] B.2.6: Provide the author with a summary of accessibility status. [P3] B.2.7: Provide a tutorial on the process of accessible authoring. [P3] Guideline B.3: Promote and integrate accessibility solutions B.3.1 Ensure that the most accessible option for an authoring task is given priority. [P2] B.3.2 Ensure that sequential authoring processes integrate accessible authoring practices. [P2] B.3.3 Ensure that features of the tool that support the production of accessible content are always clearly available to the author. [P2] B.3.4 Ensure that features of the tool that support the production of accessible content are configurable. [P3] B.3.5: Document features of the tool that support the production of accessible content. [P2] B.3.6: Ensure that any authoring practices demonstrated in *repair instructions* and *documentation* are accessible. [P3]
Received on Thursday, 6 April 2006 15:16:12 UTC