RE: validity in HTML

And I (the cause of the big discussion) am happy to support this proposal.

----- Messaggio originale -----
    Da: "Matt May"<>
    Inviato: 18/06/05 18.52.12
    A: ""<>
    Oggetto: validity in HTML
    Hi all,
    In previous discussions, we had considered validity a part of the 
    requirements of WCAG, and so the latest draft doesn't specify it 
    directly. (Checkpoint 2.3 does note that "WCAG includes a markup 
    validity requirement.") However, the WCAG WG has removed validity as a 
    Level 1 requirement, and set it at Level 2, with an exception for code 
    that helps AT or UA compatibility.
    Since standards-based coding is an important part of the Web development 
    process, I would like to propose making validity a P1 requirement in ATAG 2.

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Received on Saturday, 18 June 2005 17:30:55 UTC