Re: AUWG Teleconference on Monday, 21 June 2004 - Minutes

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Karen Mardahl" <>
To: "'List (WAI-AUWG)'" <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2004 12:58 AM
Subject: AUWG Teleconference on Monday, 21 June 2004 - Minutes

RS also had some points:

Need to distinguish between author and the person using the web content,
latter being a "Web content consumer".
We also need to be more clear on how we describe the person creating web
content with an AT (the author) and the person who is using the
tool (still the author but also a user!)

Roberto Scano:
I suggest to define a unique person that create web content, due that we
ask for authoring tools accessibility. We can add the words "also
operable trought assistive technologies" in the definition.

Karen Mardahl:
JR pointed out Sub-Techniques 3.1.2(10): Audio/video transcripts:
Ideally, the tool should have some intelligence as to what files are
for captioning, etc. But remember these are techniques, not
All these examples are illustrations of what can be done. We still need
and some of the ones we have need some more info or details.
ACTION: Everyone! More input/feedback needed!

Roberto Scano:
In my book i've done a chapter dedicated to multimedia and captioning.
If the group agree I can prepare a little analysis for the points:

Sub-Techniques 3.1.2(10)
Sub-Techniques 3.1.2(11)
Sub-Techniques 3.1.2(12)
Sub-Techniques 3.1.2(13)

Karen Mardahl:
With all illustrations, we need texts for the longdescs, and we'll need
or advice! Discussion on how to describe the illustration, and then, in
particular, why certain parts are emphasized by circling them in red.
ACTION: JR will talk with WCAG people about this. KM will ask a contact
has through our host for the F2F.

Roberto Scano:
If you need I can do them (i'm WCAG WG Member).
Also I'm available for update the checklist
( if there
is idea to publish soon a new Working Draft.

Roberto Scano

Received on Tuesday, 22 June 2004 03:43:14 UTC