Re: AUWG Teleconference on Monday, 7 June 2004

For  my first action item from the May 24 AUWG telecon, Karen Mardahl has 
kindly offered to assist
me with this item, so I have sent some text to Karen for comment.  If she 
agrees, I am happy to release
to the group for discussion.

Following is text I promised as the second of my action items from the May 
24 AUWG telecon.

To be added right before "Technique 3.1.1 title":

"NOTE: It is a goal (not a requirement?) that all available (to the user) 
features of an authoring tool be as configurable (by the user) as 
possible.  For example,
an authoring tool may have a few defined options, and permission to 
configure those options,
or perhaps an authoring tool may use a free-form style sheet.  The 
developer of an authoring
tool should make every effort to accommodate the wishes of a user in 
development.  For an authoring
tool, a description of all accessibility features provided and degree of 
user configurability of each feature
should be documented."

Comments welcomed and appreciated.  Should any of this go into the 
Guidelines (if not there already?)

Best wishes, Tim Boland NIST

Received on Monday, 7 June 2004 08:44:08 UTC