Re: AUWG Meeting Reminder (December 15, 4pm-5pm ET)

I may not be able to make it to this telecon, because of a conflicting 
meeting.   For my action
item (3 below), I have done some preliminary mappings, which are in the 
attached files.   Is this what you
wanted?  If not, let me know and I will revise.

Best wishes, Tim Boland NIST

  At 11:08 AM 12/12/2003 -0500, you wrote:

>Hi Everyone,
>Just a reminder that the AUWG conference call will take place
>on Monday December 15 at the regular time.:
>    4:00 pm ET
>    (617) 761-6200 ext. 2894#
>(1) Face to face meeting planning
>(2) Proposed changes to draft of the ATAG References to WCAG
>See below.
>(3) Guideline 1 and ISO 16071 vs IBM
>(4) Review of Work items: (see below)
>(5) Other
>Technique Work Items
>(1) - Update techniques for guideline 1 (consider how 1.1 should be
>organized if either the IBM software guidelines or the ISO document are
>adopted, review the rest, asking what needs to be dropped or added?)
>=> TIM
>(2) - Update techniques for guideline 2 (review all checkpoints, asking
>what needs to be dropped or added?)
>(3) - Update techniques for guideline 3 (review reliance on WCAG
>numbering in 3.1, review the rest, asking what needs to be dropped or
>=> JAN
>(4) - Update techniques for guideline 4 (add techniques for 4.2 (4.3,
>a.k.a 4.X still does not have success criteria yet), review 4.1 and 4.4,
>asking what needs to be dropped or added?)
>(5) - Take a wide of the document. Is it well structured? Is it easy to
>use? What is missing?
>(6) - Update the references (Go through the document and adding or
>correcting references as necessary, update and repair the references
>=> GREG
>(7) - Maintain the glossary (Ensure terms are up to date, keep
>synchronized with glossary in guidelines, both glossaries need to
>develop with an eye on other WAI and W3C glossaries)

Received on Friday, 12 December 2003 11:45:24 UTC