Proposed checkpoint to combine two strucure-related checkpoints in GL1

Hello all,

During last week's teleconference we decided to look at combining the
two structure related checkpoints in guideline 1. Here is my proposal
for checkpoint and rationale text. Please comment.

1.4 Ensure that the authoring interface enables the author to navigate
the structure and perform structure-based edits. (Priority 2)

Rationale: Efficient authoring requires that the author be able to move
quickly to arbitrary locations in the content and, once there, make
modifications beyond character-by-character edits. This is usually best
accomplished by making use of any explicit structure that may have been
encoded with hierarchy-based markup scheme. When explicit structure is
unavailable, the implicit structure in the visual look and layout of
content may sometimes be used.

Note: Checkpoint 1.1 covers the accessibility of these functionality.

Success Criteria:
- In element hierarchies, the author should be able to easily move
editing focus from any structural element to elements (if any) above,
below or in the same level in the hierarchy.
- In element hierarchies, the author should be able to select, copy,
cut or paste whole elements with their content.

Jan Richards, User Interface Design Specialist
Adaptive Technology Resource Centre (ATRC), University of Toronto

  Phone: 416-946-7060
  Fax:   416-971-2896

Received on Monday, 14 April 2003 14:40:48 UTC