GCN.com review 508 Accessibility tools (fwd)

Well, this is about as close to advertising material as I feel happy posting,
in part becuase it came to me from a representative of a group who also have
a rep on this list.

On the other hand, it is useful to look at this, it covers a couple of
applications we haven't discussed, although it missed some that I would have
included. This kind of stuff is not an ATAG conformance evaluation, nor even
an in-depth evaluation that explains how the testing was done.

None of this is endorsed by me, I am just passing on other people's opinions.

Also I didn't forward the summary PDF document.

enough disclaimer

---------- Forwarded message (edited) ----------
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2001 10:31:20 -0700 (PDT)
From Jason Taylor of UsableNet

Hello all

I thought you may want to read the below link and see
the attached summary of six products reviewed by
Governement Computer News. The UsableNet accessibility
extension with Dreamweaver or UltraDev won the
"reviewers choice" and the "bang for your buck" pick.
Please feel free to pass attached pdf and link onto
any interested parties.


Received on Wednesday, 15 August 2001 11:51:46 UTC