Re: Scheduling last call review for User Agent Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 (fwd)

charles asked the AU working group, quote
who can commit to reading the document in the first week of either 
period,and sending comments to this group (so the group can decide what we 
think) or commit to reading it in one or other period and sending comments 
as an individual?

well, i've been, and will continue to, monitor new UAAG drafts, but as an 
active member of the UA WG, i can't pretend to have an objective 
perspective on the document...  still, if i come across anything that i 
think needs to be addressed, or at least considered, by the AU WG, i, like 
charles, won't hesitate to send my comments to the AU list (connectivity 
and technology permitting!)


ACCOUNTABILITY, n.  The mother of caution.
                         -- Ambrose Bierce, _The Devil's Dictionary_
Gregory J. Rosmaita      <>
Camera Obscura           <>
VICUG NYC                <>
Read 'Em & Speak         <>

Received on Friday, 22 September 2000 17:05:27 UTC