Aug. 29 Minutes

William Loughborough
Jutta Treviranus
Jan Richards
Heather Swayne
Marjolein Katsma
Fred Barnett
Mathais M.

JT: What about assignments?

HS, MK: Expected them to be put on minutes.

JT: CMN has personal commitments.

WL: Commenting on style issues. Example: using EM element with CLASS to
make different kinds of EM. Ensure CLASSes are exposed. Lots of WCAG

MK: Just use XML.  Esnure CLASS names are meaningful.

JT: CLASS can be used to denote categorization.

WL: Vast majority of people do not understnad separation of content from
presentation. Wrote a little piece to explain.

JT: Do you have an evaluation test?

WL: Yes its in the records.

WL: Additional comment: possible to make MyPic in XML without ALT.

JT: Does JR have comment?

JR: Blah, blah

JT: How do people like the approach?

ALL: Yes

JT: Likes the division into Priorities.

JT: Might make sense to have different kinds of tools besides markup
editor/image editor

MK: Maybe add image map

JR: ACTION ITEM: Add image map

WL: Do we have a comprehensive list of authoring tool functionailites.

JT: No, we have some stuff in intro, etc.

JT: Fred?

FB: Tool just needs to be able to use CSS for formating. Nest lists
properly and not use tables.

WL: What about plain and simple language.

WL: If tool has built in FOG index etc. it should have a higher rating.

JT: Then a question to the evaluator should be asked.

WL: ACTION ITEM: Do the questions for text.

JT: CMN's form controls

JT: We like P1,P2,P3, Like pass fail, Like approach of rorganizng be
elements, like filtering by different types of tools.

JT: More volunteers:

MM: Working on multimedia.

MK: ACTION ITEM: Will take lists

HS: ACTION ITEM: Save as HTML functionality questions.


Jan Richards
Access Software Designer
Adaptive Technology Resource Centre
University of Toronto

Phone: (416) 946-7060
Fax:   (416) 971-2896

Received on Tuesday, 29 August 2000 15:13:27 UTC