
                               6th ERCIM WORKSHOP ON
                             "USER INTERFACES FOR ALL"

                            Florence, Italy, 25-26 October 2000

                                          Special Theme
                               "Information Society for All"


                                         Call for Papers


Technical Description

The 6th ERCIM Workshop on "User Interfaces for All" builds upon the results of
the five previous Workshops held at Heraklion, Greece, 30-31 October 1995;
Prague, Czech Republic, 7-8 November 1996; Obernai, France, 3-4 November 1997;
Stockholm, Sweden, 19-21 October 1998; and Dagstuhl, Germany, 28 November - 1
December 1999.

The vision of User Interfaces for All advocates the proactive realisation of the
design for all principle in the field of Human-Computer Interaction, and
involves the development of user interfaces to interactive applications and
telematic services, which provide universal access and quality in use to
potentially all users. This user population includes people with different
cultural, educational, training and employment background, novice and
experienced computer users, the very young and the elderly, and people with
different types of disabilities, in various interaction contexts and scenarios
of use.

In the tradition of its predecessors, this Annual European Workshop aims to
consolidate recent work, and to stimulate further discussion, on the state of
the art in user interfaces for all, and its increasing range of applications in
the emerging Information Society. The emphasis of this year's event is on
"Information Society for all" and invites contributions on a broad range of
topics, including technological, applications and policy developments aiming to
advance the notion of an all-inclusive Information Society accessible and
acceptable by the widest possible end user population.

Technological contributions should be on emerging technologies, concepts and
tools that
advance our understanding of, and contribute towards, universal access to the
new computer-mediated virtual spaces. Areas of interest include, but are mot
limited to, future and emerging technologies, novel computing paradigms,
computer-mediated virtual spaces, architectures and tools, interaction
platforms, interaction metaphors, experimental studies, etc., which bare an
impact on the scope of human access to digital content in an Information

Applications-oriented contributions may address practice and experience in the
application of universal access principles in critical domains such as
healthcare, education, employment, etc. In this context, the workshop seeks
contributions, which elaborate upon, adopt, apply or validate a universal access
code of practice in selected application domains.

Finally, contributions on policy developments should discuss the impact of
non-technological factors, such as legislation, standardisation, technology
transfer, etc., on developing a culture for universal access in the Information
Society, for all parties concerned and in particular the industry. Policy
contributions may cover success stories of the past or lay out prevailing
obstacles to be addressed and removed by effective policy interventions.

Areas of interest

Areas of interest, for which papers are solicited, include, but are not limited
to, the following:

- Adaptable and adaptive interaction, user modelling
- Intelligent user interfaces, guided or cooperative
   interaction, intelligent agents
- Computer-Supported Collaborative Work
- Multilinguality, internationalisation / localisation
   of interactive applications
- Novel interaction techniques, multimedia / multimodal
- Virtual and augmented reality
- Dialogue design methodologies and approaches
- Interface design assistance tools
- Interface architectures and development tools,
- Formal methods and languages for interaction
   specification and verification
- Ergonomics, Human Factors and usability issues
- Evaluation techniques and tools
- Sociological and economical issues
- Novel approaches to information access and retrieval
   in large information spaces
- Cognitive Factors in Design
- User-Centred Design
- Interface metaphors
- Intuitive, seamless interfaces
- Interfaces to wearable and ubiquitous systems
- Information Visualisation
- Support measures (e.g. standardisation) for user
   interfaces for all
- Accessibility of information environments

This year's special theme is "Information Society for All", and a special
session will be devoted to the issue of "Universal Access in Healthcare
Telematics". In this context, areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Organising Healthcare collections for universal access
- Reference models for universally accessible medical records
- Advanced interaction techniques for Healthcare professionals
- Virtual Hospital
- Personalisation and adaptation in Healthcare Telematics
- Social aspects of universal access to medical records
- Security, privacy and IPR
- Universal access principles and the organisation of
   Regional Healthcare Networks
- Etc

Solicited contributions

The 6th ERCIM Workshop on "User Interfaces for All" aims to solicit:

- long papers (between 10 and 15 pages), reporting original
  completed research and development activities relevant to
  the themes of User Interfaces for all (see list above);

- short papers (between 4 and 6 pages);

- poster presentations (1-2 pages abstract); and

- position papers (between 4 and 15 pages).

All papers will be peer reviewed. Accepted papers will be presented during the
Workshop and will appear in the Workshop Proceedings.

Keynote Speakers

- Prof. Gavriel Salvendy
  Purdue University, USA

- Prof. Georges J E De Moor
  University Hospital Ghent, Belgium


Submissions should include a short abstract (200 words) and comply with the
following format: A4, 1 column, with 1 inch margins, Times New Roman 12point
font, single spacing. ASCII, latex, Word (PC or Macintosh), or Postscript format
will be accepted. Submissions should be done electronically by e-mail to Dr Pier
Luigi Emiliani (ple@iroe.cnr.fi.it).


The registration fee is 100 Euro per participant.

Programme Committee

- Prof. Constantine Stephanidis, University of Crete and
  ICS-FORTH, Greece (Workshop Chair)
- Dr. Pier Luigi Emiliani, CNR-IROE, Italy
  (Programme Chair and Local Organiser)
- Prof. Alfred Kobsa, University of California, Irvine, USA
- Dr. Michael Pieper, GMD, Germany
- Dr. Elizabeth Andre, DFKI, Germany
- Prof. David Benyon, Napier University, United Kingdom
- Prof. Noelle Carbonell, CRIN-CNRS & INRIA, France
- Dr. Giorgio Faconti, CNR-CNUCE, Italy
- Mr. Seppo Haataja, NOKIA Mobile Phones, Finland
- Dr. Ilias Iakovidis, European Commission, EU
- Dr. Dominique Scapin, INRIA, France
- Prof. Cristian Stary, University of Linz, Austria
- Prof. Jean Vanderdonckt, Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
- Dr. Annika Waern, SICS, Sweden
- Dr. Michael Wilson, RAL, United Kingdom
- Dr. Juergen Ziegler, FhG-IAO, Germany

Important Dates

- 11 September 2000
  Deadline for electronic submission of all papers

- 2 October 2000
  Conditional notification of acceptance (confirmation will
   be given upon registration)

- 9 October 2000
  Deadline for registration

- 16 October 2000
   Deadline for electronic submission of camera-ready papers

Contact Details

For more information, please contact:

Programme Chair & Local Arrangements:

Dr Pier Luigi Emiliani
Institute of Research on Electromagnetic Waves "Nello Carrara" (IROE)
National Research Council (CNR)
Via Panciatichi, 64
50127 Firenze, Italy
Tel: +39-055-431090 / 4235235
Fax: +39-055-410893
Email: ple@iroe.fi.cnr.it

Workshop Chair:

Prof. Constantine Stephanidis
Science & Technology Park of Crete
Heraklion, Crete
GR-71110 Greece
Tel: +30 81 391741
Fax: +30 81 391740
Email: cs@ics.forth.gr

Received on Friday, 14 July 2000 09:22:10 UTC