Re: Draft for signing off

The draft has not been successfully mounted to W3C space. It will be
announced as soon as I get it there. In fact I believe there are only minor
editorial differences (cleaning up the use of user / author and so on, and
shifting the sentence about existing tools that do some things around)

So people sould sign off on the current draat if they are not concerned
editorial stuff (for the record, I am signing off on it) or "watch this
space" otherwise.

In the absence o any comments, there seems to be little point in holding a
teleconference this afternoon.


On Wed, 22 Dec 1999, Gregory J. Rosmaita wrote:

  aloha, jutta!
  although, on 20 december, you wrote:
   Due to network problems Charles was experiencing, a number of edits did not
   make it into the draft. As a result the draft to sign off on will be posted
   tomorrow and the deadline for signing off will be Wednesday at the end of
   the day.
  the list never received confirmation that the corrected draft had been
  successfully mounted in W3C space...  is the draft which is located at:

  the current draft?  is it the draft that will form the basis of our discussion
  later today?  there isn't an agenda posted to confirm whether or not this is
  the corrected draft...
  At 10:46 AM 12/20/99 -0500, you wrote:
  >Due to network problems Charles was experiencing, a number of edits did not
  >make it into the draft. As a result the draft to sign off on will be posted
  >tomorrow and the deadline for signing off will be Wednesday at the end of
  >the day.
  >At 5:24 PM -0500 12/18/99, Ian Jacobs wrote:
  >>I have published the 18 December version of the ATAG Guidelines [1]
  >>and Techniques Document [2]. In addition to changes made
  >>by Charles (which I will let him document), I made the following
  >>1) Incorporated changes from 15 Dec atag teleconf
  >>2) Incorporated editorial changes from Ian's propsals of 12 December
  >>3) Deleted the term "impairment" and replaced with "disability"
  >>   (one occurrence). Based on 14 December CG decision to not use
  >>4) Deleted the term "alt-text" and replace with "text-equivalent"
  >>   (notably in the section on A-prompt).
  >>5) Changed "fulfill a checkpoint" to "satisfy a checkpoint"
  >>   (for unity with other guidelines).
  >>6) Added the following links:
  >>   a) Techniques now back link to the Guidelines (via the checkpoint
  >>      Linking is to the latest version of the guidelines.
  >>   b) Samples (e.g., Amaya) now back link to the Techniques (via
  >>      the checkpoint number)
  >>7) I made some changes to the document processing machinery to
  >>   align ATAG and UAAG (and ultimately WCAG). Readers should notice
  >>   absolutely no different. But if you remark anything strange,
  >>   please let the editors know.
  >>Thank you,
  >> - Ian
  >>Ian Jacobs (
  >>Tel/Fax:                     +1 212 684-1814
  >>Cell:                        +1 917 450-8783
  He that lives on Hope, dies farting
       -- Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard's Almanack, 1763
  Gregory J. Rosmaita <>
     WebMaster and Minister of Propaganda, VICUG NYC

Charles McCathieNevile    phone: +61 409 134 136
W3C Web Accessibility Initiative          
21 Mitchell Street, Footscray, VIC 3011,  Australia (I've moved!)

Received on Wednesday, 22 December 1999 10:59:53 UTC