
CMcCN:: "I am more convinced that it is the responsibility of
individual tool developers to develop their own matrix.."

WL: I think the WG has a "responsibility" to develop certain matrices,
one of which is that Phill and Charles are dealing with: a connection
amongst checkpoints, priorities, and a sense of who's responsible for
realizing the desired goal and whether that responsibility can be
"automatically" fulfilled. Another possible matrix is one connecting
*ELEMENTS* (and of course their attributes) with what we (rather
vaguely) call "accessibility features". There are technical notes (white
papers?) that specify some of these connections but it is likely not
immediately apparent to a developer who would make her tool accessible
(dirty old man <LAN=FR>double entendre</LAN>) what is meant in the
guidelines and checkpoints when these contain "demands" to not remove
(or perhaps to "preserve") accessibility features/elements when
embedding them as markup or when transforming (gracefully?) files into
marked-up-for-the-Web materials. It is one thing to notify an author
that the about-to-be-used element affects accessibility and must
therefore have an alt attribute, or whatever, it is quite another to
alert the developer that the implementation of entering an element into
a document is "special" in those cases where accessibility is at stake.

Received on Monday, 6 December 1999 10:15:43 UTC