Re: Comments on Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines 19991026

At 01:55 PM 11/24/1999 , Ian Jacobs wrote:
>Kynn Bartlett wrote:
> > I've always dislike the use of the word "ensure" in our guidelines.

I feel that guidelines should be rewritten to avoid this kind of
meaningless phrasing.  Guidelines are supposed to ensure something
anyway; having that extra word and clumsy phrasing is less than
desirable, in my opinion.

This isn't enough of a bother, though, that I think anything -must-
be done with it, save for me to pipe up every now and then and try
to urge us away from "ensure that..." wording.

Kynn Bartlett                          
President, HTML Writers Guild          
AWARE Center Director                

Received on Wednesday, 24 November 1999 17:08:37 UTC