Comments on Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines 1.0

Overall, the guidelines in Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 seem
reasonable and a step forward in promoting accessible content and authoring
tools.  However, the specification should clarify its intent.  Is the
expectation that an authoring tool should make existing functionality
accessible (and generate accessible content) OR that an application should
meet all spec requirements -- even when these requirements are not
available for other users -- (and generate accessible content)?  It is one
thing to expect that existing functionality be made accessible, but quite
another to add functionality to an existing application.

We have a few specific questions/comments/requests-for-clarification below.
 Hope our feedback isn't too late to consider...

--Bridie Saccocio
  RealNetworks, Inc.

In the 1.1 checkpoint, what is meant by "conversions"?  Does this include
converting one file type to another as in the case of encoding audio or
video content?

	1.2 Ensure that the tool preserves all accessibility information 
	during authoring, transformations and conversions. [Priority 1] 

In 7.1, who's "standards and conventions" is the authoring tool supposed to
be adhering to?  Who set these standards?

	7.1 Use all applicable operating system and accessibility standards 
	and conventions (Priority 1 for standards and conventions that are 
	essential to accessibility, Priority 2 for those that are important 
	to accessibility, Priority 3 for those that are beneficial to
accessibility). [Priority 1] 

In 7.2, can an application depend on the operating system's accessibility
standards?  For example, for entering text in a dialog, can an application
depend on the OS to be capable of zooming in/out?

	7.2 Allow the author to change the presentation within editing 
	views without affecting the document markup. [Priority 1] 

Can 7.4 - 7.6 be appended to include "to the extent that the application
supports this functionality"?

	7.4 Ensure the editing view allows navigation via the structure 
	of the document in an accessible fashion. [Priority 1] 
	7.5 Enable editing of the structure of the document in an 
	accessible fashion. [Priority 2] 

	7.6 Allow the author to search within editing views. [Priority 2] 

Received on Tuesday, 23 November 1999 13:41:23 UTC