ATAG GL 7.3 & 7.4 redundant

Comments from tool developers agree that the tool should  "7.3 Render an
accessible equivalent of each element property [p1]" and that "7.4 Allow the
author to edit all properties of each element... in an accessible fashion. [p1]"
but feel the two checkpoints are redundant.  How can the tool meet 7.4 if the
element property is not rendered to be edited.  Simply providing a "text-only"
rendering of the document might be useful, but 7.3 is asking for each element to
be rendered, not a whole document.  7.4 is what the working group is really
after.  Proposal to drop 7.3 and merge into 7.4

My system crashed losing my recent notes [%#@!%@^%#$&^%* ABBR for nice machine]
on how TopPage evaluated against 7.2 through 7.7.  I'll complete these notes
tomorrow for some background on how some developers interpreted the checkpoints,
but I don't believe there are any issues with 7.2 through 7.7 other than the one

Phill Jenkins

Received on Monday, 4 October 1999 20:14:29 UTC