Idea for Guideline 3 or 5

The techniques talk alot about allow the author to edit the markup.  While
this important and useful it would be, I think just as important to
emphesize prompting the user for functional information and hiding the
underlying markup as much as possible.  Fo exampel when inserting an image
the tool could ask author not just for the ALT text and LONGDESC url.  But
ask them first the purpose of the image, is it a:
1. Decorative logo
2. Image of person, place or thing
3. Chart or graph
4. Button or link

The dialog would route the author to the appropraite accessibility
questions related to the purpose of the image.  The ALT and LONGDESC for
IMG or the proper OBJECT markup would be generated based on the answers and
questions the people were asked during the dialog.

Could this approach be highlighted in the text of checkpoint?


Jon Gunderson, Ph.D., ATP
Coordinator of Assistive Communication and Information Technology
Chair, W3C WAI User Agent Working Group
Division of Rehabilitation - Education Services
University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign
1207 S. Oak Street
Champaign, IL 61820

Voice: 217-244-5870
Fax: 217-333-0248

Received on Tuesday, 21 September 1999 12:39:54 UTC