Re: Bobby non-handling of "*.shtml"

I doubt this has anything to do with the URL suffix, at least, not on Bobby's

> I question this message, that led me astray. I have found the problem.
> That URL gets appended before the suffix with file type "shtml":
>     /index.shtml

For example, Bobby can do just fine on the following URLs:

>      Cannot analyze file with privacy suffix "*.shtml"

shtml is not necessarily a privacy suffix; it is commonly used to indicate 
parsed HTML containing Server Side Includes.  (Incidentally. *.shm
is a nice looking 3-letter form of this than *.sht ...)

I don't have an answer as to why it's getting 'permission denied' when
Bobby tries to access that file -- perhaps it's some sort of server
configuration that dislikes Bobby's non-standard user agent type?  It
could be server-side scripting gone horribly wrong.


Received on Friday, 20 August 1999 15:15:10 UTC