Minutes from 28 July AU teleconference


Whoops! I forgot to send these. Sorry about that!

WAI AU Teleconf
28 July 1999

Jutta Treviranus (Chair)
Dick Brown
Jan Richards
Wendy Chisholm
Gregory Rosmaita
Kynn Bartlett
Charles McCathieNavile
Ian Jacobs (Scribe)

Agenda: http://www.w3.org/WAI/AU/telecon-28jul99
Doc:    http://www.w3.org/WAI/AU/WAI-AUTOOLS-19990720.

1) Logical vs Physical Order


  JT: Should we put something in our guidelines as well?

  DB: I think so.

  IJ: Use document order.

  WC: Several programs may be used to generated a graphical
      front end to a database application. Drag and drop
      possible. There's a function that allows you to view
      all controls/fields and create a tabbing order for them.
      Appearance separate from document (tabbing) order.

  JR: What if the user doesn't care about logical order?

  JT: Difficulty is that physical order is different from
      order in HTML.

  WC: Often times, order is creation order. Display order may
      be very different.

  JT: What is logical order if not specified by author.
      How to go from physical to logical order?

  DB: Not clear that left-to-right mapping would always work.

  JT: What about tables, e.g., that don't serialize well.

  JR: Perhaps if something moved on the screen, we should
      recommend that logical order be changed as well.

  JT: And that author be able to specify the logical order.

  IJ: Not sure there's an easy mapping in the general case
      from physical order to logical order (e.g., tables).
      Also, overlapping lines: what to do when they overlap?

  DB: Cultural differences (localization) also important.

  IJ: Is there total independence between physical position
      and final document order?

  JT: Yes.

  JT Proposes:
    a) Provide basic physical to logical mapping
    b) Allow user to control logical order.  
  CMN: Technique: Render the content linearized.
       Ask author to confirm/change order.

  DB: Does this mean developers need to create
      another view?

  CMN: The requirement is to produce accessible
      content, and that's one implication, yes.

  DB: This is tricky area since involves a new prompt,
      a new view, control of logical order, ...

  CMN: E.g., with Publisher, you can drag text and
      not change flow order. In Word, it would be
      moved in logical order as well. So linear view
      is not always required if logical order is
      preserved during editing.

  CMN: Another approach is to check that the CSS
      layout flow is a straight-through flow. Checkpoint
      6.1 covers checking for resulting accessibility

  JT: In Tools WG, discussion of automatic validation of 

  CMN: We can incorporate info into techniques document.
      No size limit. Can change later on.

  JT: There's a significant list of techniques for
      verification and repair.

  CMN: Guideline 6 fits into this category.

     -Add physical/logical mapping techniques
      to Guideline 6.
     -Look at work of E&R WG.
2) Proposed Introduction text.


   Action CMN: Send edited version to list. Others may send
   their comments to Charles.

3) Technique Reviews

   CMN: I noticed in minutes from last week [3] that some
        techniques removed. I would like to re-open that


      JR: Techniques are ok, but why placed here (under 
          integrating features into overall look and feel)?
          Ok to keep the techniques, but not here.

      CMN: Rather than remove, add more techniques!

      JT: But how does this technique fit into this section?

      CMN: Putting alt into every image seemed obvious to me.

      RESOLVED: Leave technique in.
                Change the emphasis from "that something happens"
                to "where it happens". 

      ACTION CMN: Write an introductory sentence and reword.

      CMN: For other removed technique, put in a new example and leave
      the old one. Demonstrating is useful. This is not
      a contentious technique.

      DB: Would rather have one really good example than several
          medium quality.

      JR: Also, null alt text is still a contentious technique.

      GR: This morning in ER teleconf, Len Kasday talked of
         forwarding summary of arguments to WAI CG. There needs 
         to be "word from above" about the alt text problem
         to allow us to move one. 

      RESOLVED: Leave current technique, add note that will
         be modified based on outcome of WAI CG decision.

/* On developer response to Guidelines */

      DB: Issue: Need to ensure that developers understand that
         Techniques are examples only, not required. Talked
         with people this week about people doing Office 10. 
         They fear not being able to meet some Priority 1s.
         They are intimidated. I told them better to
         implement a few than none.

      CMN: Similar discussions with Amaya team. There were
        some very easy ones (already existing or easily
        done) and others really difficult. How to prioritize?
        A/AA/AAA helps in this case. But within a given
        level, internal working decision about which to do.
        "What do we need to do first?" I sat down
        with them to work out a plan. The plan included
        testing of AU Guidelines, but also real-world W3C
        Team needs.

4) Review of Technique 6
   Jutta proposal [4]

   JT: Do we wish to mention linking in Bobby, A-prompt or other
       checking and verification tools? How do we reference ER
       document in development?

   CMN: I'd like to refer to ER materials. If it's brief,
       we should incorporate a snapshot.
   JT: Not brief. It's very specific.

   GR: Bobby folks came up with a bunch more information
       that will make the ER materials even larger.

   CMN: So probably we'll have to reference rather than include.

   CMN: Will ER materials be stable published?

   GR: Not yet determined. Bobby folks say that WCAG Rec
       makes their work is easier, but in refining, they
       open cans of worms.

   CMN: It would be best for AU to be able to refer to ER
      materials at stable published URI.

     - Refer to ER materials (not include)
     - Ask ER to create stable public reference.

   IJ: I propose listing ER tools at W3C Web site,
       not including in techniques (since more volatile
       than techniques doc).

   RESOLVED: Jutta's proposal for 6.1 accepted. Refer
             to ER doc about checking/alerting.


    "Allow authors to control both the nature and timing of the
     correction process." s a technique.

   JT: Proposed
       1) Add "correction process" to 6.2, or
       2) Put technique under 6.3 (assist author in correcting).

   RESOLVED: Move technique to 6.3


   JT: Do we want to add: "To make correction more efficient, 
       the author can be given the choice to make corrections 
       by type of error and where appropriate to make site-wide
       changes." In short: group correction process.

   CMN: Important to point out "where this is the same error."

   RESOLUTION: Will keep the example, but will add Charles' phrase.

   CMN: Put explanatory note in: When the tool doesn't recognize
     the markup, since the author may know, allow the author to keep.

   ACTION: CMN will propose text.


   JT: Should we have somewhere a checkpoint stating that 
       the transformation should favor accessibility?

   CMN: This is tricky since close to implementation level.

   JT: Only area critical for access - human knows more.
       (Same as previous checkpoint).

   CMN: I would be wary of changing.

   ACTION Jutta: Clarify proposal. CMN suggests talking
   to Harvey Bingham (who sent proposal about time of
   last IG review).

Received on Thursday, 5 August 1999 17:43:20 UTC