Tabling section 3

I am strongly against the group adopting this as a firm principle, despite
the fact that it describes what has been done in the last 10 weeks.

I think that there are relationships between elements of section 3 and
section 2 which mean we can better refine each section in the context of
the other.

I do not feel that we should split the work of the group into producing
two separate documents, unless we are planning to produce a complete set
of guidelines for section 3, rather than refer in many cases to other
documents. The group has not considered that as a sensible policy, I think
quite rightly.

It is my feeling that the time has come for the group to pay more
attention than it has done in the last ten weeks to the second of its
stated obligations.

Thoughts everyone...?

Charles McCN

  I propose that the working group completely table section 3 until section 2
  is completed.  Let's solve the problems for the 95% case and then deal with
  the problems in the 5% case.
  Charles Oppermann
  Program Manager, Microsoft Accessibility and Disabilities Group

--Charles McCathieNevile  
phone: +1 617 258 0992
W3C Web Accessibility Initiative
MIT/LCS  -  545 Technology sq., Cambridge MA, 02139,  USA

Received on Wednesday, 10 March 1999 14:12:39 UTC