re: working draft

2.2.3: Make sure that templates to be inserted in the document comply
with W3C Web Content Guidelines

I guess I was "out to lunch" when this was agreed upon.  What does it
mean?  How does this merit being separately addressed from:

2.2.2: Produce content that conforms to the WCGL 

Doesn't an "inserted template" qualify as "content"?

We had trouble with 2.4.1 and here's a stab:

Make sure that authoring practices emphasized in the guidelines have
pre-eminence in the design and documentation of the tool.

2.6.5: Allow users to choose different alert levels based on the
priority of authoring accessibility recommendations.

I wonder if a full stop after "levels" striking the rest of the sentence
might be both terser and clearer.

And for 2.6.6 how about "Make the alerts for accessibility checkpoints
be *ON* in the default configuration.

As you can tell, I still quarrel with what I think of as "arbitrary"
assignment of "priority levels" - particularly now that we have made the
checkpoints (as well as the guidelines) suitably few and terse.  If it's
easy to do, I would love to see just the checkpoints and guidelines (no
intro text, no priorities, no techniques) for a feel of how concise and
compelling it might look.

When I spoke of the Content CheckList as being suitable for inclusion in
our output, I was thinking that we might find a sequence,
"prominentization", and layout that would be suitable for hard copy
inclusion with a tool.  We don't have to be as "surgical" in terms of
reducing word count as was the case with the QuiokTips card, but I feel
strongly that "less is more" here.

Once our audience "gets it" from having read the abstract and the
guideline intros the checkpoint listings need not be encumbered visually
(or conceptually) with the argument but might still welcome a reference
document that can be rapidly navigated.


Received on Sunday, 7 March 1999 12:02:36 UTC