- From: Charles McCathieNevile <charles@w3.org>
- Date: Thu, 25 Feb 1999 15:23:39 -0500 (EST)
- To: WAI AU Guidelines <w3c-wai-au@w3.org>
Are available at http://www.w3.org/WAI/AU/telecon-24feb99#minutes (linked from the home page as well), and are here: Attendance * Jutta Treviranus - Chair * Charles McCathieNevile - Scribe * Ian Jacobs * Jim Allen * Kynn Bartlett * Jan Richards * Will Loughborough * Wendy Chisholm Regrets: * Daniel Dardailler - http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-au/1999JanMar/0125 Absent * Sylvain Galineau * Charles Oppermann ___________________________________________________________________ Action Items and Resolutions * Resolved: Grammar changes from Agenda * Resolved: Adopt priorities/checkpoints/guidliens from UA document * Resolved: add these three new checkpoints to Guideline 2.1 * Resolved: Discussion on 2.5.1, relationship between 2.2 and 2.3 goes to the list * Resolved: Decision on including DTD delayed, pending review by Web Content * Resolved: Checkpoint 2.6.1 says" Include Alternative Content which complies with Web Content Guidelines for All multimedia files packaged with the authoring tool" * Action WAC: Send intro material to list. DONE * Resolved: Draft paragraphs will be brought to discussion Monday. _____________________________________________________________________ Minutes Instant Consensus * Adopt priorities/checkpoints/guidliens from UA document * Grammar changes from Agenda Validate Markup JR: Tool must generate standard markup already. WL: Proposing a 2.1.2? Is it different? JT: Make authoring tool validate content JR: 2.1.1 says write valid mark-up. I'm not sure that a validation is necessary. CMN: This is to ensure that imported markup can be validated. JT: We're not asking them to require validation of stuff which has been generated. We should be explicit about it applying that to imported markup. WL: Seems to be pretty much included already JT: We want checkpoints to be very specific WL: Imported is still generated JA: 2.5 talks about importing CMN: this differs from 2.5 because it refers to standards, not accessbility. JT: 2.1.2 encourages validation, specifically for imported documents CMN: This doesn't say whether it goes outside the tool or not, just that it must be validated WL: What does inter-operability mean? JR: We should be explaining why we need standard markup in the introduction to the guideline. WL: That makes sense JR: The role of this guideline plays in the document JT: Standards promote accessibility. CMN: Without a standard, there is no way to build accessibility on top of it. WL: Necessary but not sufficient IJ: Also, W3C Standards include accessibility support. JR: This guideline says "Whatever you do, it has to be valid. Then the next guideline says that you have to support accessibility features." KB: Is the tool responsible for checking and or correcting that markup is standard CMN: No, under 2.5, it is only required to ensure accessibility of the markup. KB: 2.1 could use a checkpoint that says 'ensure that imported content or content created by another source is in accordance with W3C specification. See checkpoints in 2.5 about alerting/correcting JA?: Modify 2.3 WL: We could add parenthesis to 2.1.1 JR, KB: Would prefer second checkpoint WL: Second checkpoint should require standardisation of imported content KB: Should allow for correction as well JT: explicit correction? KB Not sure yet. CMN: The rest of my proposal is to seperate the requirement for W3C standards via two more checkpoints, from adherence to specifications. WC: Use of Javascript/ECMAscript is classic example here. JT: We have 4 checkpoints under this proposal KB: Should we mention DTD here? JR: Checkpoint 3 is pretty open-ended. CMN: Yep. It says don't extend in such a way as to exclude IJ: Can we special-case HTML, and say don't extend it? CMN: Proposed checkpoint 4 covers HTML and SMIL, MathML JT: Can they go to the list CMN: Propose to put them into document, and argue about them at the meeting JT Any objections to the 4 checkpoints being in the public Working Draft? IJ: Still thinking about number 4. CMN: Number 4 is restrictive not permissive Resolved: add these three new checkpoints to working draft 2.5.1 and 2.2.1 JT Are these redundant? Where does it belong? WL: Belongs in 2.2 JT: Agree Resolveed: remove 2.5.1. Maybe use langauge in 2.2.1 KB: Or in 2.3.1 IJ: 2.2 and 2.3 are very close JT: One addresses the practices, the other addresses the insertion of markup KB: 2.5.1 sounds like one of the things that won't be conscious in the user's mind JT it applies to both. CMN: I'd be happy to move 2.5.1 to 2.3.1, keep 2.2.1 WAC: How much do you want to highlight the structure stuff? Leave it there, or assume that it will be inferred from 2.2 and 2.3 JT: We're talking about removing stuff. We have already talked about what is accessible. WL: What does 2.2 intro mean? JR: Means 'make sure you can hadnle the accessibility features of a language'. IJ: Authoring tool as User Agent? JR: No. The tool understands how to use the feature. KB: So you can insert a longdesc, for example. (in HTML 4) IJ: I would argue that part of ensurign markup is accessible is making sure the features are there. CMN: 2.2 expresses the dependence. 2.3 says what to do about it. IJ I still think 2.2 goes into 2.3 JT: We're talking about auto-generated markup in 2.3. CMN: I buy Ian's argument IJ: If it is authoring tools support, then it definitely belongs in 2.3. JR: 2.2 builds a logical argument. WL: Why don't we say that. IJ: I would think differently if it were broken into parsing, user agent support, etc. JT: Jan - write some more checkpoints. Resolved: Discussion on 2.5.1, relationship between 2.2 and 2.3 goes to the list JT: Including 2.2 in 2.3 would mean a major change to 2.3 which is not general enough. DTD's CMN: This is important as we start to mix document types. I suggest we do it without requiring it as an JT: This is XML-specific - do we need more intro text? JR: This sounds like a page author guideline CMN: Yes, but it's not there. IJ: It would be an interesting discussion to hear what the implications are. JT: This brings up a good point. If specific guidelines are not in teh Web Content Guidelines do we address them, or send them back IJ: At least tell Web Content Guidelines CMN: Do both JT Then we are diverging from Web Content CMN: I think the danger would be if we put in something that belonged in Web Content, and didn't send it back to Web Content. IJ: We should send this to chair of GL group, copied to lists. Resolved: Decision delayed pending review by Web Content IJ I don't know that we should limit this to DTD's - we should consder schemas as well Including Professional Descriptions - checkpoint or technique JT: Responses were on both sides - any takers CMN: Checkpoint JT Anyone for a technique WAC Seems like a technique. Maybe it shouldn't say 'professionally' WL If related to stuff that came with the tool then it is a checkpoint JA: Include Alternative Content for All multimedia files packaged with the authoring tool JR: Do we want to say human authored? IJ leaves JT: Do we need to specify that the alternative content is human-authored? Rationale is to have good quality alternative content. JA: Could just say 'appropriate' JR: Could have technique say 'professionally written, good quality, etc' WAC: Use professionally written, link to WGBH or somewhere JT: Don't want to imply that it needs to be done out of house. WAC Professional just means you paid for it WL: Ensure that text accompnaying content conforms with recommendations JT: We wnat to say Include it. WL: Yes, and that it qualifies as good JT: How can we do the second piece WAC: It is defined as well as possible in Web Content guidelines JA: Reference Web Content Guidelines in checkpoint JT: Make sure it's there, and make sure it's good. JA: Add, "which complies with Web Content Guidelines" Resolved: Checkpoint 2.6.1 says" Include Alternative Content which complies with Web Content Guidelines for All multimedia files packaged with the authoring tool" Intros to section 2 and 4 - summarise principles JT: Where other guidelines covered this, we would not replicate them. CMN proposed we should cover the principles, as introductory text. (reads proposed text) It is possible to do all that and still have an inaccessible tool. If we do this, then we need to refer to the guidelines. There were issues of using standard APIs, etc. CMN: These are an introduction, not a substitute. JT: These are very specific in some areas and may imply incorrectly that the summary is complete. CMN: The specific points are examples, and could be lost WAC: I think it would be helpful to have some sort of summary - it gives good context and motivation to read the real documents CMN: I'm sorry Ian left - he had said 'it is exactly what is needed'. But he's not here WL: I liked this. Is it helpful to the audience? WAC: Having an introduction to the other guidelines is really helpful. You could lift the new intor to the Web Content Guidelines JT: I'd be comfortable with lifting that. Resolved to Have some introductory text? WL Not sure. Are we reaching the audience we need? CMN: I suggest we throw it in, and ask for comment. Several developers have agreed to comment despite not being in the group. JT: I dont think we are comfortable to put this in the draft as is. CMN: I would prefer to throw something in, and get comment. I would be happy to take the Web Content Material unseen. Action WAC: Send intro material from WC Guidelines to list. Resolved: Draft paragraphs will be brought to discussion Monday. General discussion (2 minutes) This time suits people present. Meeting Closed 5:30 pm US EST (2230Z) --Charles McCathieNevile mailto:charles@w3.org phone: +1 617 258 0992 http://purl.oclc.org/net/charles W3C Web Accessibility Initiative http://www.w3.org/WAI MIT/LCS - 545 Technology sq., Cambridge MA, 02139, USA
Received on Thursday, 25 February 1999 15:23:41 UTC