Meeting times

I cannot make the following times (all given in Boston time):

Tuesday 8 am - 1 pm

Wednesday noon - 1 pm

Thursday 8 am - noon
Thursday 4 pm - 5 pm

Friday 8 am - 10 am

This means Chuck's suggested time of 9am - 10am (US Pacific Time) is not

My suggestion would be Monday afternoon. Alternatively, if we get
commitments from people in both Europe and Australia or East Asia I would
suggest that we have alternating times.

Charles McCathieNevile

On Mon, 8 Feb 1999, Jutta Treviranus wrote:

  We are trying to find another time to hold our regular meetings.
  Suggestions received so far are:
  >From Chuck Opperman:
  "I have the following regularly scheduled meetings (Pacific Time) and would
  not be able:
  10am - 1pm
  11am - 1pm
  2pm - 3pm
  9am - 10am
  3pm - 4pm
  10am - 12noon
  However, I also have many meetings that get scheduled during the week that
  might prevent me from attending some occasionally.  I would suggest that a
  9am to 10am (PT) on Tuesday mornings might be best for me, and accommodate
  the many East Coast time zone folks as well."
  >From Jan:
  "It's ok withh me but I could also go later (4-5pm or 5-6pm)."
  and on behalf of possible participants from Sausage in Australia anytime
  before 3pm EST would be the middle of the night.
  Are there any other requests, suggestions? Are later or earlier times prefered?
  Thanks Jutta

--Charles McCathieNevile  
phone: +1 617 258 0992
W3C Web Accessibility Initiative
MIT/LCS  -  545 Technology sq., Cambridge MA, 02139,  USA

Received on Monday, 8 February 1999 15:06:43 UTC