Re: proposed re-wording of goals statement

With the present statement of the goals, did we lose the goal statement
regarding the tool generating accessible content somewhere and what was the
justification? Goal 3 addresses the prompting, education, verification,
alerting etc that the tool must do, which is all that a tool developer has
control over given that we want it to be on a user configurable schedule.
The present goals don't address what the tool does without the author's
explicit intervention. I would propose that goal 2 be that the tool
generate accessible content.


 At 2:24 PM -0400 6/16/99, gregory j. rosmaita wrote:
>The current (10 june) draft succinctly lists the goals of the AUGL as:
>-- begin quote
>	* The authoring tool is accessible
>	* Authors will create accessible content
>	* The tool will encourage the creation of accessible content
>-- end quote
>There have been strong objections voiced, particularly by Bruce Roberts,
>to the wording of the second goal, and, so, as an attempt to address this
>concern, I propose the following re-wording:
>--- begin GJR's first formulation of goals ---
>There are three goals:
>	1. The authoring tool is accessible
>	2. The authoring tool will create accessible content by default,
>	   according to a user-configurable schedule
>	3. The tool will encourage the creation of accessible content
>--- end GJR's first formulation of goals ---
>- OR -
>--- begin GJR's second (more verbose) formulation of goals ---
>There are four goals:
>	1. The authoring tool is accessible
>	2. The authoring tool will create accessible content by default
>	3. Mechanisms for creating accessible content are controlled by a
> 	   user-configurable
>	4. The tool will encourage the creation of accessible content
>--- end GJR's second (more verbose) formulation of goals ---
>Personally, I like the brevity of my first iteration, but I think the
>second (more verbose) iteration is clearer, inasmuch as it touches on all
>of the points we are trying to express:
>1. the tool itself must be accessible
>2. the tool must create accessible content by default
>3. the tool should provide as much user-configurability as possible, and
>4. the tool should teach authors how to construct well-structured,
>   accessible pages, even if it does so in a subliminal manner
>One last note: Regardless of whether or not either my re-wordings are
>accepted, I would like to "see" the list type used to enumerate these
>goals changed from the current unordered list to an ordered list.
>  ------------------------------------------------------------------
>  DELIBERATION, n.  The act of examining one's bread to determine
>  which side it is buttered on.
>                            Ambrose Bierce, _The Devil's Dictionary_
>  ------------------------------------------------------------------
>                Gregory J. Rosmaita <>
>  Camera Obscura: 
>  Read 'Em & Speak:
>  ------------------------------------------------------------------

Received on Thursday, 17 June 1999 09:22:14 UTC