Re: Wording of second goal

I prefer Ian's wording to the use of "can." Can implies that if there is
any way the author can create accessible content then we have met our goal.

I do not like goal statements that only refer to what the tool produces.
The goal statement needs to address both what the tool produces
automatically or without explicit intervention by the author and the
process of persuading and helping the author to practice accessible
authoring. The benefits of the second part go beyond the single document
produced. If the second part is done properly it will both educate and
produce accessible authoring habits in the author.


At 10:23 AM -0400 6/3/99, Ian Jacobs wrote:
>Bruce_Roberts/CAM/ wrote:
>> Since we're implicitly allowing the user to disable warnings (with which I
>> agree), I would like to change the wording of the first goal from:
>> Authors will create accessible content
>> to:
>> Authors can create accessible content
>To avoid this "issue", the two goals might be worded as follows:
> 1) Creating accessible authoring tools
> 2) Ensuring that authors produce accessible content
>Or something that avoids "can" or "will".
> - ian
>Ian Jacobs (
>Tel/Fax:                     (212) 684-1814

Received on Monday, 7 June 1999 14:45:45 UTC