Re: Wording of second goal

I would be happy with "The authoring tool creates accesible content". The
goal is that all content produced by authoring tools is accessible. Control
over the user in order to acheive this is something the group has explicitly
rejected. The teleconference following the face to face meeting made a
resolution to that effect. This means that a tool can allow the creation of
inaccessible content and still be conformant (even to triple-A) so long as it
doesn't encourage the user to make inaccessible content instead of accessible
content. I assume that allowing saves to inaccessible formats, and
documenting how to do that, does not contravene a checkpoint. 2.3.4 in the
new draft (which I will announce in a moment) is the checkpoint that needs to
be considered most carefuly in relation to this issue I suspect.

(So I think you are reading to much into the meaning of a goal. It is
something less than an absolute requirement.)


Charles McCN

On Thu, 3 Jun 1999 Bruce_Roberts/CAM/ wrote:

  I take the word "will" to mean the tool must ALWAYS create accessible content.
  Am I reading too much into that word?  I.E. the tool can't ever create
  inaccessible content even under user configurable settings.  An example where I
  might decide as an author to create potentially inaccessible markup would be if
  I used PowerPoint to generate PDFs on web pages for my talk at a conference or
  for my Intranet.  If it's possible to do that by changing default settings in
  the tool does that mean it doesn't achieve the goal??  If so, I have a problem
  with the goal as stated.  I prefer either of the following statements:
       Authors can create accessible content
       The authoring tool creates accessible content.
  -- Bruce

Received on Thursday, 3 June 1999 11:42:12 UTC