Merging or Splitting Sections

I had originally identified the sections as follows:
>2.1 Generate standard markup
>2.2 Support all accessible authoring practices of W3C Recommendations
>2.3 Ensure that no accessibility content is missing
>2.5 Preserve existing accessible structure or content
>These all deal with the markup functions of the tool.  (Incidentally,
>how different are 2.3 and 2.5?)
>2.4 Integrate accessibility solutions into the overall "look and feel"
>This is a user-interface guideline.
>2.6 Provide methods of checking and correcting inaccessible content
>This is a "correcting/validation/repair" guideline.
>2.7 Promote accessibility in help and documentation
>This is a documentation and education guideline.
>3.1 Follow principles of accessible design
>3.2 Ensure independence of authoring and publishing environments.
>3.3 Provide accessible navigation
>3.4 Ensure accessible representation of elements
>These are user interface guidelines.

Maybe we need to have four or five "larger" guidelines with checkpoints
and techniques under each:

A.  Create Accessible Documents

>2.1 Generate standard markup
>2.2 Support all accessible authoring practices of W3C Recommendations

B.  Correct Inaccessibility Problems

>2.3 Ensure that no accessibility content is missing
>2.5 Preserve existing accessible structure or content
>2.6 Provide methods of checking and correcting inaccessible content

C.  Document Accessible Authoring Practices

>2.7 Promote accessibility in help and documentation

D.  Provide An Accessible User Interface

>3.1 Follow principles of accessible design
>3.2 Ensure independence of authoring and publishing environments.
>3.3 Provide accessible navigation
>3.4 Ensure accessible representation of elements

E.  Integrate Accessibility Naturally

>2.4 Integrate accessibility solutions into the overall "look and feel"

Kynn Bartlett <>
President, Governing Board Member
HTML Writers Guild <URL:>
Director, Accessible Web Authoring Resources and Education Center

Received on Tuesday, 11 May 1999 15:33:43 UTC