Re: Merging sections 2 and 3

The two sections have very distinct and disparate goals. The goal of
section 2 is to encourage the average author to create accessible web
pages/documents/sites/content. The goal of section 3 is to make the tool
accessible to authors with disabilities. The two goals of the sections are
not muddied. The goals are so seperate that we cannot do without two
distinct phrases in our priorities. We judge the importance of the
checkpoints in each section using different reference points.

Even we who are steeped in this document sometimes forget which criteria we
should use. How many times has someone asked " how does this make the tool
more accessible" when we were working on section 2, and we have had to
respond "it doesn't." Merging the two sections would confuse and eliminate
the emphasis and definition of one or both goals.


Received on Saturday, 8 May 1999 22:44:46 UTC