Section 2.5 - was Re: Priority Definitions for Sections 2 and 3

We already address that question in general. 

2.7.1 addresses the requirement that a clueless author can learn how to make
an accessible page. 2.7.2 addresses the requirement that it is a simple thing
for them to do.

Charles McCN

On Wed, 21 Apr 1999, Kynn Bartlett wrote:

  Likewise, if we can solve this problem for the untrained author using
  a WYSIWYG editor, we've solved the biggest obstacle in web authoring
  tools.  So our goal needs to be putting them first, and people who
  can edit DTDs on a whim as lower priority.  Emphasize that authoring
  tools _must_ allow a clueless author (bad term) to make an accessible
  web page.  That should be our minimum requirement.

Received on Wednesday, 21 April 1999 19:38:53 UTC