Re: "fashionable" tags?

> Al Gilman: "...largely ignored <LINK REL=foo > structure tried to"
> WL:: any idea why an attribute like REL is so unfamiliar and unused?

Several reasons IMHO: 
  - was never a must or even a should in the HTML spec, just things
    like "user agents *may* interpret ... for example..."
  - difference between A and LINK is hard to grasp for most people
    authoring by hand
  - authoring tools not up to the task

> seems to have at least the same potential as much of what we try to do
> with ALT, TITLE, LONGDESC so I wonder if our efforts can be expected to
> meet much better fate if we don't understand what went wrong with REL?

Which means we have to require that our guidelines are implemented,
and make them simple to understand.

Received on Tuesday, 3 March 1998 04:13:13 UTC