30-day review period of the candidate authorized translation of WCAG 2.2 into French

Dear all,
Heartfelt thanks to the W3C for setting up the 30-day review period of the Candidate Authorized Translation (CAT) of WCAG 2.2 into French: https://wcag.access42.net/22/.

The review process has now started and will end on November 1st 2024.
We have informed our partners from the reviewing committee about this by email.
We published information on the review process on our website: https://access42.net/traduction-wcag-2-2-francais/#maj-02-10-2024.

To comment the CAT, please use this mailing list by sending a message to public-auth-trans-fr@w3.org<mailto:public-auth-trans-fr@w3.org>. You can write your message in French or in English.
In the mail subject, please specify the location of the text you are commenting. For example:
·         “Abstract”;
·         “Status of This Document”;
·         “Guideline 2.5 Input Modalities”;
·         etc.
In the mail content, please indicate the original text and the changes which you are suggesting.
When the public review will be over, Access42 will publish a summary of the public comments on this mailing list as well.
Thank you so much in advance for contributing.
Best regards,
Audrey Maniez, Access42
Message en français :
L’appel à commentaires publics pour la relecture de la traduction en français des WCAG 2.2 a débuté et se terminera le 1er novembre 2024. La traduction peut être relue à l’adresse suivante : https://wcag.access42.net/22/.

Nous en avons informé les membres du comité de traduction par e-mail.
Pour commenter, vous trouverez toutes les informations sur la procédure sur notre site : https://access42.net/traduction-wcag-2-2-francais/#maj-02-10-2024.

À l’issue de cet appel à commentaire public, Access42 publiera un résumé des commentaires envoyés sur cette liste de diffusion.
D’avance merci pour vos contributions !
Bien cordialement,
Audrey Maniez, Access42
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Received on Wednesday, 2 October 2024 09:04:25 UTC