Re: LTO Candidate for WCAG 2.2 Catalan translation

Dear Mireia Ribera,

Thank you for notifying W3C of your translation intention. We will be 
evaluating your submission and then get back to you.

Warm Regards,
Xueyuan Jia, W3C Marketing & Communications

On 12/13/23 11:02 PM, Web Content Accessibility Guidelines wrote:
> Dear Colleagues,
> Hereby the Facultat de Matemàtiques i Informàtica (Faculty of 
> Mathematics and Computer Science) of Universitat de Barcelona notifies 
> W3C and all concerned parties of their intention to become LTO for 
> WCAG 2.2 translation to Catalan.
> The University of Barcelona [] has 
> been involved in disseminating digital accessibility to the Catalan 
> Community with many initiatives and was the first organization to 
> publish an official translation of a W3C guideline.
> Mireia Ribera, Rubén Alcaraz, Anna Grau, Angels Egea, Xavier Albons 
> and Mercè Costa are coordinating the translation, with the 
> collaboration of Adaptabit team and Afra Pascual, with linguistic 
> advice from Serveis Lingüístics de la Universitat de Barcelona and  
> with terminological advice from TERMCAT.
> This translation will be carried out in collaboration with the 
> following entities, which have already agreed to participate:
> ●    AIPO [1] Asociación Interacción Persona Ordenador (AIPO), 
> Association of Human-Computer Interaction: AIPO is a professional 
> association open to all people interested in Human-Computer 
> Interaction, both from academia and industry. Its objectives are to 
> promote and disseminate Human-Computer Interaction and serve as a link 
> between scientists and professionals who carry out activities in this 
> field. AIPO has promoted educational initiatives about usability and 
> accessibility through summer schools and the development of electronic 
> resources aimed at providing teaching support. The Association has the 
> accessibility of interactive systems as one of its main work axes.
> ●    Associació Discapacitat Visual: B1+B2+B3 [2] is a non-profit 
> organization that provides services to people with visual disabilities 
> to improve their quality of life and raising awareness of this group 
> to improve their social integration. The entity serves people with 
> visual disabilities with several degrees of disability: total (B1), 
> severe (B2) and mild (B3).
> •    Associació Familiars amb dificultats aprenentatge a Catalunya 
> (AFDA) [3]: AFDA Catalonia is a non-profit association established in 
> 2014 that, with the volunteerism and collaboration of the families 
> involved, and working in coordination with various professionals and 
> institutions in the educational and healthcare systems, supports 
> individuals with learning disorders arising from Neurodevelopmental 
> Disorders at different stages of their lives: childhood, youth, and 
> adulthood. They firmly believe that networking and collaborative 
> teamwork are the foundation for supporting families while always 
> respecting diversity in all aspects of individuals.
> ●    COCARMI (Comitè Català de Representants de Persones amb 
> Discapacitat) [4]:  is a Catalan umbrella organisation of persons with 
> disabilities and their families. We defend the interests of more than 
> 600.000 persons with disabilities in Catalonia. We are a strong united 
> voice of persons with disabilities to ensure the full inclusion in 
> society of persons with disabilities. We were created in 1998 by our 
> founder organisations to ensure that decisions at Catalan level 
> concerning persons with disabilities are taken with and by persons 
> with disabilities..
> •    Federació ACAPPS [5]: Federació d’Associacions Catalanes de Pares 
> i Persones Sordes: The ACAPPS Federation is a non-profit organization 
> created in 2004 that is made up of ACAPPS Barcelona, ACAPPS Lleida and 
> ACAPPS Vallès. The Federation works with and for parents with deaf 
> children and pre- and postlingually deaf and hard of hearing 
> individuals, with actions for their family, educational, work, and 
> social integration so that they feel and are full-fledged citizens.
> ●  Federació Catalana d'Autisme: [6] The Catalan Federation of Autism 
> is comprised of 41 entities dedicated to enhance the quality of life 
> for people with autism and to advocate for the full compliment of 
> their rights in all the areas. The executive body is constituted by a 
> board of directors elected through voting. A technical team 
> collaborates with these entities in their daily activities, striving 
> to provide high-quality services that contribute to the expansion of 
> the associative autístic network. Autistic persons are present in both 
> the board of directors and the technical team.
> •    Federació de Persones Sordes de Catalunya (FESOCA) [7]: The 
> Federation of Deaf Persons of Catalonia (FESOCA) is a non-profit 
> governmental organization founded in 1979, declared of public utility 
> in 2006, which represents the affiliated associations of deaf people 
> and the whole Catalan deaf community. It ensures the defense of the 
> linguistic, cultural and social rights of deaf people, and is 
> committed to making information and communication truly and 
> effectively accessible in public administrations and in all areas of 
> social reality, through the Catalan Sign Language (LSC) and through 
> live or video interpreting services.
> ●  Fundació Aprenem Autisme [8]: Aprenem Autisme is a movement driven 
> by families and people with autism formed by two entities with the aim 
> of defending their rights, raising awareness and making autism known 
> and offering resources and services that consider their specificities. 
> Aprenem Autisme Associació and the Centre de Recursos Autisme 
> Barcelona (CRAB) Fundació are two entities that work together with the 
> aim of improving the quality of life of people with autism and their 
> families.
> ●    Fundació Institut Guttmann [9]: is a private, non-denominational, 
> non-profit entity, which carries out its care, scientific and social 
> activity in two centers located in Badalona and in Barcelona. The 
> foundation is mainly dedicated to treating people with disabilities of 
> neurological origin and to care, maintenance and prevention in the 
> areas of health and quality of life. Its goal is to be a leading 
> healthcare institution in Neurorehabilitation and Brain Health, 
> generating knowledge and innovation in techniques and technologies 
> specific to our scientific field in order to improve prevention and 
> results when treating pathologies that affect the nervous system. As a 
> University Institute attached to the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona 
> (UAB), the Institut Guttmann develops academic, scientific and 
> research issues in neurosciences in general and of neurorehabilitation 
> and technologies applied to personal autonomy in particular. 
> Specifically, “PARTICIPA” is a social research project aimed at 
> knowing and understanding how to promote the participation of people 
> with disabilities in society, with the aim of transforming society so 
> that it is fully inclusive. This study aims to identify the factors 
> that facilitate and hinder the participation of people with 
> disabilities in society, as well as to find innovative solutions that 
> make it possible for everyone to participate on equal terms.
> ●    Fundación "No Somos Invisibles” [10]: was born as a project in 
> 2012 aiming at generating activities adapted to people with cerebral 
> palsy and other severe physical disabilities, for them to become an 
> active part of society and to visibilize the group. We are currently 
> running 3 projects: a professional insertion program, an art workshop 
> and the creation of  personal development itineraries, where 38 people 
> participate.
> ●    Salut Mental Catalunya [11]:  is a social movement of 
> representation, care and support for people with mental health 
> problems and their families.The Catalan Mental Health Federation was 
> born in 1996 and today it’s made up of a network of more than 75 
> associative movement entities. The Salut Mental Catalunya Foundation 
> manages services such as the Social Clubs, a space for leisure and 
> socialization for people with mental health problems.
> ●    Sidar Foundation [12]: The Sidar Foundation, an Ibero-American 
> institution, is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting 
> digital accessibility. It advocates for inclusive design practices, 
> offering training and resources to make digital content and 
> technologies accessible. Through awareness campaigns and collaborative 
> projects, Sidar contributes to creating a more inclusive digital 
> environment, empowering individuals with disabilities.
> ●    TERMCAT [13]: The Consortium of the Centre for Terminology 
> TERMCAT is the official body in charge of Catalan language 
> terminology. It was founded in 1985 by the Government of Catalonia and 
> the Institut d'Estudis Catalans. With the ultimate goal of ensuring 
> that Catalan terminology is available in all fields of knowledge and 
> activity and to encourage its proper use, our mission is to coordinate 
> terminology studies for the Catalan language, providing quality 
> services, creating terminology products and standardizing new terms at 
> <>.
> ●    W3C Hispano [14]: This Chapter has agreed to give backing to the 
> translation but cannot actively participate in the validation, as no 
> one in the organization has a command of Catalan.
> [1] Asociación Interacción Persona-Ordenador (AIPO)
> C/ María de Luna, 1, Universidad de Zaragoza,
> Departamento de Informática e Ingeniería de Sistemas, edificio Ada Byron,
> 50018 Zaragoza
> Telèfon: +34 971 259721
> Correu:
> Lloc web:
> [2] B1B2B3
> C/ Cardenal Reig, 32.
> 08028 Barcelona
> Telèfon: +34 93 4470404
> Correu:
> Lloc web:
> Adreça completa: Av. Sant Ildefons, núm. 24(Col·legi Sant Ildefons)  
> 08940-Cornellà de Llobreg
> Telèfon: +34 698955152
> Correu:
> Lloc web:
> C/ Sepúlveda, 1, 6a planta
> 08015 Barcelona
> Telèfon: +34 93 2289368
> Correu:
> Lloc web:
> [5] Federació ACAPPS
> Nàpols 351 local
> 08025  Barcelona
> Telèfon: +34 93 2105530
> Correu:
> Lloc web:
> [6] Federació Catalana d’Autisme
> c/ Providència 42
> Barcelona
> Telèfon: +34 633260574
> Correu:
> Lloc web: <>
> [7]Federació de Persones Sordes de Catalunya FESOCA
> C/ Pere Vergés, 1, 7a planta
> 08020 Barcelona
> Telèfon: +34 93 2781842
> Correu:
> Lloc web:
> [8] CRAB Fundació Aprenem Autisme
> C/ Consell de Cent, 616
> 08026 Barcelona
> Telèfon: +34 93 1824938
> Correu:
> Lloc web:
> [9] Fundació Institut Guttmann
> Camí de Can Ruti, s/n
> 08916 Badalona
> Telèfon: +34 93 4977700
> Correu:
> Lloc web: <>
> [10] Fundació No Somos Invisibles
> Passeig Manuel Girona, 41 Bx.2  08034-Barcelona
> Telèfon: +34 655810001
> Correu:
> Lloc web: <>
> [11] Salut Mental Catalunya
> C/ Nou de Sant Francesc, 42, baixos
> 08002 Barcelona
> Telèfon: +34 93 2721451
> Correu:
> Lloc web:
> [12] SIDAR
> C/ La Luna 13
> 22560 Alcampell
> Telèfon: +34 655986996
> Correu:
> Lloc web:
> [13] TERMCAT, Centre de Terminologia
> Mallorca, 272, 1r
> 08037 Barcelona
> Telèfon: +34 93 4526161
> Correu:
> Lloc web:
> [14] W3C Hispano
> Parque Científico Tecnológico de Gijón
> Cabueñes S/N
> 33203 Gijón, Asturias
> Telèfon: +34 984 291212
> Correu:
> Lloc web:
> Best,
> Mireia Ribera
> On behalf of WCAG Catalan group
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Received on Friday, 15 December 2023 09:18:38 UTC